Tuesday Tip: A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place

Simple Tips for a More Organized Home

Our Simple Tip:

Declutter your counters by finding a place for everything.  Overwhelmed and don't know where to start?  Start small.

Let's get the knives off your counter to reduce the visual clutter.
1. Pick a drawer in your kitchen that you may not use often.
2. Take everything out and put it to the side. (try using a bin or basket) Don't worry, just toss it in there!
3. Toss the knife dock that's on your counter.  Yes, TOSS IT OUT.  I promise, it's ok. :)
4. Put the knives in the drawer and order a knife dock from Amazon for your drawer. When it arrives, put your knives in it.
5. Enjoy!

Now, I know you're wondering what to do with all that stuff you took out of your newly organized knife drawer. It's simple. Just go through and decide what you want to keep. Once you've decluttered, choose a new drawer to empty and replace with the items you decluttered. You can do this until all the drawers in your kitchen are done!

Need help deciding what organizing products to use for your drawers? Check out our favorite Amazon products on the website.

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