MYM was Featured!

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:

Make Room for the New: How to Start a Post-Holiday Decluttering Routine | Redfin

You made it through the holidays, but even though we’re well into the new year, you

notice lingering signs of clutter. From decorations still proudly displayed on the mantel

to opened gifts that have no place to be stored, post-holiday clutter has an uncanny way

of staying around even as we try to get our homes under control. 

If you’re ready to organize your space, but aren’t sure where to start, we have some tips

and tricks for you. Redfin reached out to us and other decluttering experts across North

America, from San Diego, CA, to Toronto, ON, to help us create a post-holiday

decluttering routine to conquer the last remnants of holiday clutter. Read on for our tips

on how to start decluttering in the new year.

Ashley Grubbs