Must-Do’s Before Hosting This Summer

Summer is in the air, and we’re gearing up to host parties, barbecues, and get-togethers. Getting organized before the summer is essential for throwing memorable and stress-free parties! Friends and family will love coming over and seeing your organized home!

Before you host a summer gathering 

Before you send out the invites, take time to invest in organization systems for your home. 

People spend a lot of time in the kitchen during events. Make sure you have a system to keep everything orderly. Some of our favorite kitchen organization systems are spice racks, pan racks, and refrigerator storage bins. Small investments in organization systems will pay off big time when you’re busy hosting guests. 

An organized pantry can reduce major stress when you’re trying to cook for the masses. A few upgrades can go a long way. Clear, airtight storage containers make your pantry look polished and easily show how much of an ingredient you have left. Lazy susans maximize storage space and help you access hard-to-reach parts of the pantry. These systems help keep everything in its place so you know you aren’t missing anything!

Take a look at your bathroom to make sure everything is spick and span. Guests will need to use the bathroom during your event, so you want to be sure it’s spotless! Do you have toiletries lying around? Try using drawer organizers to store your products out of sight, or add some stackable drawers for easy access to cosmetics without the clutter. It’s also nice to have these organizing products in place for any guests staying so they can nicely organize their belongings while they are there. 

If you have kiddos running around, investing in a toy organization system will keep your living spaces mess-free. These cube organizers are both cute and functional, perfect for toys, books, or clothes. They’re also easy for kids to use. Encourage your kids to maintain a tidy space and help put things away–it’s one less thing for you to clean up before guests arrive. 

During the Summer Event 

Create an organization system before you plan to have guests over and try your best to maintain it while you’re hosting. This will minimize the amount of clean-up you have to do later!

We recommend arranging your space to support a large crowd. Believe it or not, interior design plays a big role in hosting events. Move your furniture for easy access to well-used rooms like the bathroom and kitchen. Keeping your space uncluttered will make it easier for guests to move around freely, mingle, and have a great time. 

Set up a table where guests can easily find cups, napkins, and utensils. Make it easy for guests to pour themselves a drink or help themselves to food! Station trash and recycle bins nearby to encourage guests to properly dispose of waste, which will save you hassle later. 
If your home design could use some help before summer, we now offer interior design!

Re-organizing after the party

After your successful hosting, you probably won’t be looking forward to cleaning up. Luckily, all of your organizational prep work ahead of time will result in a much simpler cleaning process after your event. 

Take a little time to reorganize your space and reset your house. Put things back in their place, rearrange your furniture, and pack up any decor into designated bins. If there are any items you no longer need, donate them and get them out of the house.

Assess how well your organization systems worked during the party. Need more storage containers to keep everything tidy? Take a look at our Amazon storefront for products we recommend. Did something not function as efficiently as you wanted? Change it up! Try a new method for your next event to find what works best for you.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you need help getting organized for your summer parties, you know where to find us! We can transform your space through professional organization + design services and make you feel proud of your home. 

Mind Your Mess provides customized organizing solutions to make your life easier. Our hands-on services will tackle your mess and transform your home into a space you love. We take care of all the details, from shopping for organizing products to scheduling other service providers as needed. We’ll even provide email support between sessions so you have complete peace-of-mind throughout the organizing process.