Interior Design Support in Houston, Texas

Why Interior Design is Worth It

Interior designers will help you completely reimagine your space. As a result, your home will become more beautiful and functional–and it will reflect your personal style and character!

An interior designer will help you choose colors, lighting, furnitures, and fabrics that compliment your home while providing the space with an aesthetic look. They’ll make sure everything is cohesive, and that it’s a space you can comfortably live in. At the end of the day, interior designers are there to help you transform your home into something you love

Interior Design x Organization

The truth is, it’s impossible to get a clear idea of what designs will work best in your home until the space is completely organized and decluttered. There’s a lot of crossover between interior design and organization!

When your home is messy, cluttered, and lacks organizational systems, it’s hard to know the ideal layout or style of a room. The perfect layout of your space should be functional to your lifestyle. Investing in professional organization before redesigning your space will ensure you have the function of the room nailed down first. Before you embark on an interior design project, we recommend you put everything back in its place–and if not everything has a place, it’s a good sign you need to think about decluttering your home. 

Need some help? At Mind Your Mess, we’re organizing pros who can give you some clarity on how to tidy up. 

After your home is organized and systemized, it’s time to think about design ideas. It’s always good to start with styles. Are you modern or classic? Bohemian or contemporary? Rustic or chic? Once you’ve picked a style, you can move ahead with other design choices. 

Every design project will be different, but there are always a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure you have enough lighting in a room. It seems obvious, but there are plenty of underlit rooms out there, and you definitely want to be able to see in your house. 

  2. You’ll want to have enough seating in each room for everyone in the family, plus guests. That way, you really get to use and enjoy the space! Plus, your guests will have the chance to admire your beautifully designed home. 

  3. It’s worth choosing just a few quality pieces of art, furniture, or other design elements over trendy and cheap stuff. Trust us on this one. Not only do quality items look better, but you’ll save money in the long-run since you won’t have to shell out more money to upgrade when the trend fades. 

Finding an Interior Designer in Houston

It can be difficult to find a local interior decorator you trust! Mind Your Mess is offering interior design services for people who want to give their home a refresh. 

We care about every aspect of the process. Before we dive into actually designing anything, we always start with a consultation to take your ideas and wishes into consideration. If you have no idea what you want, that’s okay too! We’ll be able to help you discover your personal style. 

We’ll also make recommendations about storage options, paint colors, furniture, lighting, windows, and design accessories–and anything else you have questions about. If you want us to handle the whole design process from start to finish, we’ll be the point of contact for any contractors needed during the project.

Calling All Houston Locals 

If you’re in Houston, TX and looking for an interior designer, give us a call! We’d love to help you design and bring to life the home of your dreams. You can also check out our holiday decorating options if you’re feeling overwhelmed during the winter season–we’ll make sure your home is decked out and ready to go for holiday hosting. 

Interior DesignAshley Grubbs