How to Declutter Before You Move

While moving into a new home can be exciting, it can often be stressful as well. There are a lot of tasks to accomplish before moving day, and all the work can feel overwhelming. 

Maybe you’re moving across the country, or maybe you’re moving across the state, or even just across town. No matter how far the distance you move, you’ll still need to pack up all of your belongings, transport them to your new house, and settle into your new place. 

It might feel like a lot, but the good news is that we have a few tips to get you organized and make your move as stress-free as possible!

Getting Ready to Move

Usually when people are getting ready to move, they wait until the last minute to start packing. This means they don’t have time to declutter before they pack, and they feel rushed to get everything done. 

Our biggest tip? Start preparing early! Give yourself time to carefully sort through your belongings to get rid of what you don’t need or haven’t used in the past few years. Moving into a new house will be a fresh start, so setting intentions before you move is key to staying organized in your new home.

Decluttering and Packing

We’ve heard plenty of stories about people who moved five years ago and still have boxes they haven’t unpacked. That’s a clear sign the stuff in those boxes wasn’t needed or important–so why bother keeping it?

To avoid this scenario, spend the time to declutter before you pack everything into boxes. When you move to your new home, you shouldn’t take things with you that you don’t need.

The process of decluttering before you move will save you time, energy, and stress. It’s important to realize that holding on to so much stuff is a burden. Not only does extra stuff take up space, but it weighs you down emotionally. Less stuff is a good thing–it will cut down on moving costs and keep the moving process simple and manageable. 

Our Mind Your Move services will help you tackle this decluttering. We’ll carefully assess what you need and use regularly and help you sort through your items to decide what’s worth keeping and what needs to go. That way, you’ll know with certainty that everything you’re packing up to take with you is something you’ll use in your new home.

Moving into a New Home

After the boxes have been delivered to your new home, it’s time to unpack. Whether you do it yourself or hire help, chances are some boxes will get shoved aside for later and some items will get misplaced and moved around. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re looking for a specific item.

With Mind Your Move, we can help you unpack, organize, and create systems, so everything has a place. After all, when you get to your new home, you want to move in and start living in it quickly. Mind Your Move makes it easy and stress-free to enjoy your new home. 

We can unpack rooms that need the most care and organization, like the kitchen, closets, pantry, or bathrooms. We’ll help you set up systems, so your things are in order right from the beginning. The best part is that we can dive right in–there’s no need to ask what items are necessary since we already went through that process before you packed up!

Once the process is complete, you can enjoy your brand-new home without needing to declutter. You’ll have a fresh, clean space filled with things you love and use and will be able to settle in quickly.

Help with Your Move

Next time you need help organizing and decluttering for your move, book Mind Your Move for a stress-free process. We’ll help you intentionally organize your things so you can move with ease, and help you unpack so you can have a functional and orderly new home.

MovingAshley Grubbs