Organizing Kid’s Rooms After the Holidays

It’s January, which means you might be starting to recover from the business of the holiday season. You also might be finding yourself with an extra-cluttered home, filled with new presents and toys for the kiddos you’re not quite sure what to do with. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of decluttering and reorganizing your kids spaces after this season of gift-giving, you’re not alone! So many people struggle with finding a place for all of the new items their kids received during the holidays. 

The good news is that there is a way to check this task off your to-do list, while making it feel manageable. In this blog, we’ll walk you through step-by-step how to reduce clutter in the areas for your kiddos so your entire family can start off the New Year refreshed and stress-free. 

Out with the Old, In with the New

The first part of the process is taking a look at kids’ toys–and other items–that you don’t use or need anymore. Assess what sorts of items are used daily or very frequently, and which aren’t used much at all. If there are toys the kids haven’t touched in months, or playthings they’ve outgrown, this is a good time to set them aside in a giveaway pile. 

You should also take a peek at the new toys the kids have been gifted this year. Ask them if there are any gifts they aren’t sure about or don’t want, and then add these to the giveaway pile as well. There’s no shame in regifting or donating presents that would be better appreciated by someone else!

The last step is actually loading your donation items into your car and dropping them off. It might take a little bit of effort to get the stuff out the door–but it feels so freeing to have excess items out of your house, so it’s definitely worth it. Load your donation items into your car as soon as you can so you don’t have an excuse to avoid driving by a donation center. 

an organized kid's bedroom

Set Up Storage Systems

Once you’ve decided which items you’re keeping, it’s time to set up a storage system to organize all of your things. Pick one method of organizing and stick to it. That way, kids and parents alike can easily find the toys, books, and clothes they need.

Get creative with how you use your closet space and wall space. Can you add more shelving? Can you add easy-access storage bins to maximize space? Investing in a few organizing products can go a long way in decluttering your home. 

Here are some of our top picks for storage containers:

Get Professional Organizing Help

If decluttering and organizing your post-holiday home is something you simply don’t have time or energy to manage, there’s always another option: Outsourcing the task to experienced and knowledgeable professionals. 

With our Playroom Blitz service, our Mind Your Mess team will come in to get your living space organized quickly and efficiently. We’ll put away toys so they are easily accessible, add functional storage systems, and make sure you have a playroom you can truly enjoy.

Ready to get some support tidying up your playroom? Book this service now for a 10% discount on our Playroom and Kids Package! Fill out this form, and you’ll be on your way to a mess-free playroom.

DeclutterAshley Grubbs