7 Steps to Under the Sink Organization

When organizing the cabinet underneath your kitchen sink, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the chaos that often hides behind those cabinet doors. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can transform this space from a dreaded eye-sore into an organized sanctuary.

Don't let the confined space deter you; rather than feeling discouraged as soon as you open the doors, use it as an opportunity to get creative and make organizational magic happen. Follow these 7 easy steps to learn how to maximize the cabinet under your kitchen sink and tackle this space for good.

7 Steps to Under the Sink Organization

1. Clear out

The first step is to evaluate what is currently under your kitchen sink and get rid of any items that you don’t need.

Item by item, remove everything from the cabinet and decide whether or not it should stay under the kitchen sink. Separate items into three categories: items that belong under the sink, items that should be relocated, and items that should be thrown away.

Once you’ve narrowed down the items you currently have, it’s time to think about how you’d like this space to function in the future. Think of items that you do not currently have, but would make your life easier, and make a list. These could even be things like duplicate cleaning supplies so that you don’t have to keep carrying the same bottle of Windex from the kitchen to the bathroom and vice versa.

2. Measure

Your cabinet has been cleaned out, you’ve removed items that don’t belong, and you have a list of things you need to add…now it’s time to measure your cabinet space!

Measuring your cabinet under the sink might seem like an unnecessary step, but it could save you from a lot of headaches in the long run. It’s important to use a tape measure to get the exact dimensions of your cabinet space so you can make sure the containers you buy will fit properly. It’s also important to double-check for any drains or valves that could be in the way, as they can affect the size of your container or organizer.

As silly as it sounds, it is also a good idea to measure the size of your cleaning bottles to ensure that they fit perfectly inside your containers too.

3. Containers

Now the fun part: Shopping for containers to get your space organized!

You can either shop in store or online, however shopping online makes it easier to get accurate measurements for each container, plus you can read reviews.

When organizing the cabinet under the sink, look for containers that can fit snugly and stack well. Depending on what you're storing here, consider using items such as shallow bins, mesh baskets or drawers, and plastic trays with compartments. Acrylic storage containers are also a great option to keep your kitchen items visible and organized. You can stack them up as high as your cabinet allows and they come in a variety of sizes to fit any space.

Lazy Susan’s are also ideal for storing items such as spray bottles and other tall objects. By rotating, they ensure easy access to all items while helping keep your cabinet clutter-free.

4. Categorize

Once your containers are inside the cabinet, it’s time to organize everything into categories. Store items in a way that makes sense to you, and use drawers to contain smaller items like dishwasher tablets, extra cleaning cloths, sponges, etc.

6. Label

Take things a step further and invest in labels so you know exactly where each item goes when putting it back. While you may primarily be the only person that uses this cabinet, things can start to get out of hand when other family members get involved. Labeling will keep things organized and help everyone find their way around the cabinet with ease.

7. Maintenance

Finally, establish a regular cleaning routine so the space underneath your sink doesn't get out of control again.

Final Thoughts on Under the Sink Organization

With these tips, you can turn your cabinet under the kitchen sink from a jumbled mess into an organized haven! By taking the time to be thoughtful and creative with your storage solutions, you'll be able to keep this space organized and stress-free for years to come.